“Difficult to see; always in motion is the future.” —Yoda, The Empire Strikes Back

Season 2

July 27, 2023

The perfect team meeting agenda for your farm!

Team meetings are tough to get right... Whether you work with a few family members or a full-blown team, you've probably left meetings feeling more confused and discouraged than you came in. Some of us get so fed up that we attempt to steer the...

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June 29, 2023

From Zero to $600M: The Incredible Rise of ButcherBox!

According to a few recent interviews from CEO Mike Salguero, ButcherBox has scaled beyond $600m in revenue.  In this episode, Blaine and I share our reactions to ButcherBox's remarkable growth, a breakdown of the strategies they leveraged, as...

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June 15, 2023

Creative ways we're using AI to save time!

There's a lot of buzz floating around about AI and how it's disrupting countless industries. But are there actually any practical applications to use to help run a farm-to-fork business? We answer that question in today's episode by showcasing some of...

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March 9, 2023

Two SIMPLE ways to increase AOV by next week!

What would it mean to your business if you could increase every order by $15-30? That's a fun number to calculate, and this episode is about helping you get there!

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Feb. 28, 2023

Don't Screw Up: YOUR LOGO

It's something rarely talked about, but your brand name and logo does have an impact on the future of your business. Fun fact, Steve Jobs paid the renown designer Paul Rand, $100k to create the logo for NeXT, Inc.  Now, I'm not saying you need to...

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Feb. 24, 2023

Don't Screw Up: CASH FLOW

A common killer of healthy businesses is poor cash flow. This is like a predator that always strikes when you're not expecting it. It doesn't matter if you have a great product, happy customers, or even healthy profit margins... It only takes one bad...

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Feb. 9, 2023

Shipping vs Pickup: Which is better for you in 2023?

To ship, or not to ship? That's the questions we unpack today by comparing shipping to other traditional sales channels like buying clubs / curbside pickup.

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Jan. 25, 2023

Retail vs Wholesale: Who wins?

Retail vs wholesale... Which is most relevant for you in 2023? The short answer is that it depends! In this episode we unpack the pros & cons of both channels in order to help you determine where both fit into your 2023 strategy.

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Jan. 11, 2023

Cracking the code to subscriptions!

Without a subscription, your customer has to let your know when they want their next order. With a subscription, your customer has to let your know when they DON'T want their next order.

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Dec. 28, 2022

Don't Screw Up: PRICING

As we continue through a season of unpredictable inflation, the consequences for neglecting price corrections has never been higher. In this episode, we'll discuss practical tips and for protecting your margins in 2023!

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Dec. 15, 2022

Season 2 Trailer

With season 2, we're relaunching the show under a new name (Food Chain Wars). Our vision is to grow the show into the most valuble free resource for farm2fork marketers (regardless if you use GrazeCart or not). We're here to help you climb the...

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