Dec. 28, 2022

Don't Screw Up: PRICING

As we continue through a season of unpredictable inflation, the consequences for neglecting price corrections has never been higher. In this episode, we'll discuss practical tips and for protecting your margins in 2023!

Are your priced stay profitable in 2023? According to the USDA, consumers paid 12.4% more at the grocery store in Oct, 2022, vs Oct, 2021.

As we continue through a season of unpredictable inflation, the consequences for neglecting price corrections has never been higher. At best-case, unsustainable pricing suffocates your ability to invest in growth.

Maybe that's how you feel now... We've all been there.

The good news is that it doesn't have to be this way. In today's episode of Food Chain Wars, Blaine and I unpack the thinking & systems we use stay on top of profitable margins!

Click for website & show notes